Conference Programme

Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in SIDS – Challenges, Opportunities, Commitments

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Hilton Barbados Resort, Needham’s Point,
Bridgetown, Barbados 7-8 May 2012


Sunday, May 6th, 2012

16:00 – 22:00

Early Registration


Monday, May 7th, 2012 

Conference Moderator: Valerie Browne, Permanent Secretary, Division of Energy and Telecommunications, Prime Minister’s Office, Barbados
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8:00 – 8:30


8:30 – 8:32

National Anthem

8:32 – 8:36

Performance by Aja and the Peace Ambassadors

8:36 – 8:45

Welcome and Introduction to the Conference

Michelle Gyles-McDonnough, United Nations Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative Barbados and the OECS


Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General

8:45 – 8:55


Hon. Aloysius Amwano, MP, Special Envoy of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Nauru

8:55 – 9:05


Olav Kjorven, Assistant Secretary-General and Director, Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme

9:05 – 9:10

Video message

Helen Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme

9:10 – 9:30

Feature Address

Hon. Freundel Stuart, QC, MP, Prime Minister of Barbados

9:30 – 10:00

Departure of the Prime Minister of Barbados and Official Photo of the Conference

10:00 – 10:30

SIDS Energy Outlook

Setting the stage: key challenges, gaps, and needs in sustainable energy access; commonalities and differences between SIDS; projections under business as usual scenarios; context of energy and development and barriers to, and drivers of achieving sustainable energy access

H.E.  Antonio Pedro Monteiro Lima, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cape Verde to the United Nations

Joseph Williams, Programme Manager, Energy, CARICOM Secretariat

Solomone Fifita, Deputy Director (Energy), Secretariat of the Pacific Community

10:30 – 12:00

Session 1:  Ensuring Affordable and Reliable Access to Modern Energy Services in SIDS by 2030

•             Introduction of session moderator by conference moderator (5 minutes)

•             Introduction of session and panelists by moderator (5 minutes)

•             Opening presentations from panelists (40 minutes)

•             Discussion, comments, Q&A with plenary (35 minutes)

•             Wrap up session, moderator  (5 minutes)


Topics: Energy access and energy poverty in SIDS; the state of energy access and governance; role of energy access in relation to economic development, equity and social development, and environment, including examples and experiences from SIDS  


Richenda van Leeuwen, Executive Director, Energy and Climate, United Nations Foundation



Hon. Henry Puna, Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Renewable Energy of Cook Islands

Indra Haraksingh, Ph.D., President, Caribbean Solar Energy Society, Trinidad and Tobago

Thomas Jensen, Energy and Environment Specialist, United Nations Development Programme Pacific Centre, Fiji

Leena Srivastava, Ph.D., Executive Director Operations, The Energy and Resources Institute

12:00 – 13:15

Lunch Event: Energy+ Presentation by Hans Olav Ibrekk, Policy Director, International Energy and Climate Initiative – Energy+, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway

13:15 – 14:45

Session 2: Doubling the Rate of Improvement in Energy Efficiency in SIDS by 2030

•             Introduction of session moderator by conference moderator (5 minutes)

•             Introduction of session and panelists by moderator (5 minutes)

•             Opening presentations from panelists (40 minutes)

•             Discussion, comments, Q&A with plenary (35 minutes)

•             Wrap up session, moderator  (5 minutes)


Topics: priorities and way forward for SIDS in addressing energy efficiency strategies, energy efficiency policies, standards and indicators, and energy efficient technologies



Hugh Sealy, Ph.D., Energy and Sustainable Development Adviser, Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economy, Energy, and Cooperatives, Government of Grenada



David Barrett, Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica

Anare Matakiviti, Oceania Regional Energy Coordinator, International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Joseph Williams, Programme Manager, Energy, CARICOM Secretariat

Roland Clarke, Ph.D., CEO, Clarke Energy Associates, Barbados

14:45 – 15:15

Coffee Break

15:15 – 16:45

Session 3: Doubling the Share of Renewables in the Energy Mix in SIDS by 2030

•             Introduction of session moderator by conference moderator (5 minutes)

•             Introduction of session and panelists by moderator (5 minutes)

•             Opening presentations from panelists (40 minutes)

•             Discussion, comments, Q&A with plenary (35 minutes)

•             Wrap up session, moderator  (5 minutes)


Topics: discussions of options, approaches, and best practices; renewable energy status in SIDS, renewable energy priorities, and steps to be taken to meet national renewable energy objectives and targets.



Senator The Hon. Darcy Boyce, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Barbados



Hon. Julian Robinson, Minister of State, Ministry of Energy and Mining and ICT, Jamaica

Hon. Taito Faale Tumaalii Faamoetauloa, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Samoa

H.E. Vince Henderson, Permanent Representative of Dominica to the United Nations, Chair of SIDS DOCK Steering Committee

Eliot F. Assimakopoulos, Global Sales Director, GE Digital Energy’s Grid Automation

Dolf Gielen, Director, Innovation and Technology Centre, International Renewable Energy Agency


16:45 – 17:30

Session 4:  SIDS DOCK – The SIDS Sustainable Energy Partnership Mechanism

•             Introduction of presenters by conference moderator (5 minutes)

•             Presentations by SIDS DOCK representatives (20 minutes)

•             Brief remarks by SIDS DOCK partners (20 minutes)


Topics: Vision for SIDS DOCK; SIDS DOCK Platform; SIDS DOCK Partnership

H.E. Vince Henderson, Permanent Representative of Dominica to the United Nations, Chair of SIDS DOCK Steering Committee

Albert Binger, Ph.D., Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre


Brief Remarks:

Veerle Vandeweerd, Director, Environment and Energy Group, United Nations Development Programme

Chandra Shekhar Sinha, Lead Financial Specialist, Latin America, Caribbean Region, World Bank

H.E. Carsten Staur, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Denmark to the United Nations

Representative of Japan (tbc)

17:30 – 17:50

Wrap-up Day One

Olav Kjorven, Assistant Secretary-General and Director, Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme

Valerie Browne, Permanent Secretary, Division of Energy and Telecommunications, Prime Minister’s Office, Barbados

19:00 – 22:30

SIDS Roll-out of the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All 2012

19:00 – 19:05


Sustainable Energy For All Video

Olav Kjorven, Assistant Secretary-General and Director, Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme

19:05 – 19:10

Video Message

Kandeh K. Yumkella, Chair of UN-Energy and Director-General, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation 

19:10 – 19:15


H. Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Coordinator for the UNCSD Rio + 20 Conference

19:15 – 19:25

Keynote Address

Senator The Hon. Darcy Boyce, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Barbados


Launch of the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All, Lighting of solar lanterns



Master of Ceremonies:

Richenda van Leeuwen, Executive Director, Energy and Climate, Energy Access Initiative, United Nations Foundation

Short video clips of statements by Ministers recorded during the day

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

9:00 – 9:30

The Barbados Declaration

Introduction of the Declaration

Valerie Browne, Permanent Secretary, Division of Energy and Telecommunications, Prime Minister’s Office, Barbados

9:30 – 11:00

Session 5:  Enabling Environment and Financing Sustainable Energy for All in SIDS 

•             Introduction of session moderator by conference moderator (5 minutes)

•             Introduction of session and panelists by moderator (5 minutes)

•             Opening presentations from panelists (40 minutes)

•             Discussion, comments, Q&A with plenary (35 minutes)

•             Wrap up session, moderator  (5 minutes)


Topics: role of SIDS, International Financial Institutions, multilateral organizations, and private sector in financing renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements  in SIDS, climate financing, end-user financing.



Olav Kjorven, Assistant Secretary-General and Director, Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme


Hon. Nazim Burke, Minister of Finance, Planning, Economy, Energy and Cooperatives, Grenada

Hans Olav Ibrekk, Policy Director, International Energy and Climate Initiative – Energy+, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway

Ira Magaziner, Chairman, Clinton Foundation Climate Initiative

Vivien Foster, Sector Manager, Sustainable Energy Group, World Bank

Dr. ir. Andre Poucet, Head of Infrastructure, Delegation of the European Union to Barbados and the OECS

11:00 – 12:30

Session 6: Taking SE4ALL Forward for SIDS

•             Introduction of session moderator by conference moderator (5 minutes)

•             Introduction of session and panelists by moderator (5 minutes)

•             Opening presentations from panelists (40 minutes)

•             Discussion, comments, Q&A with plenary (30 minutes)

•             Wrap up session, moderator  (5 minutes)


Topics: discussion on the SE4ALL Action Agenda, high-impact area actions; commitments; role of public, private and civil society sector; commitments and partnerships towards SE4ALL.



Veerle Vandeweerd, Director, Environment and Energy Group, United Nations Development Programme



H.E.  Philip Kentwell, High Commissioner of Australia to Trinidad and Tobago

Hon. Joy Grant, Minister of Energy, Science and Technology and Public Utilities, Belize

Allison Davis, Portfolio Manager, Economic Infrastructure Division, Caribbean Development Bank

H.E. Ronald Jumeau, Ambassador for Climate Change and SIDS Issues, Seychelles

Solomone Fifita, Deputy Director (Energy), Secretariat of the Pacific Community

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 14:10

Session 7: Presentation of Feasibility Studies on Renewable Energy Options for the Caribbean, and Replicability for SIDS



Stein Hansen, Deputy Resident Representative, United Nations Development

Programme Barbados and the OECS



Werner Wendt, Ph.D., CEO, ENPROCON

14:10 – 14:35

Adoption of the Barbados Declaration

Valerie Browne, Permanent Secretary, Division of Energy and Telecommunications, Prime Minister’s Office, Barbados

14:35 – 14:40

Closing of the Sustainable Energy for All Meeting

Michelle Gyles-McDonnough, United Nations Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative Barbados and the OECS

14:40 – 1500

Coffee Break

15:00 – 18:00

The Knowledge Fair

15:00 – 15:05

Opening Remarks

David Payton, Senior Adviser, Environment and Energy Group, United Nations Development Programme

15:05 – 15:30

Presentations by SIDS on National Sustainable Energy Initiatives

Topics: national policies, programmes, initiatives relating to efforts to achieve sustainable energy




Solomon Islands

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

15:30 – 1700

Moderated Panel on Multi-national Private Sector Involvement in SIDS

•             Opening remarks about the role of the private sector (5 minutes),

•             15 minute presentations from panelists (1 hour)

•             Q&A session (25 minutes)



Ira Magaziner, Chairman, The Clinton Foundation Climate Initiative



Hannah Kaplan, GE Capital

Eliot Assimakopolous, Global Director, GE Energy Management/Microgrids

Douglas Sattler and Mark Lonkevych, Toshiba Integrated Energy Technology

Gerry Vurciaga, CapGemini

Rob Hollering, CEO, Aquaver

Leon Roose, Director, The Hawaii Utility

17:00 – 17:20

Presentation by International Renewable Energy Agency

Elizabeth Press, Deputy Director, IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre

17:20 – 17:40

Presentation by Solar Dynamics Barbados

James Husbands, Solar Dynamics

17:40 – 17:55

Presentation by Organization of American States

Mark S. Lambrides, Section Chief, Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Department of Sustainable Development, OAS

17:55 – 18:00

Wrap-Up of Session

David Payton, Senior Adviser, Environment and Energy Group, United Nations Development Programme

19:00 – 21:30


Guest Presenter:

Ira Magaziner, Chairman, The Clinton Foundation Climate Initiative

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

9:00 – 18:00

Parallel Events

I.             Rio+20 SIDS Informal Ministerial Meeting

II.            SIDSDOCK National Coordinators Meeting (By Invitation Only)

III.           Knowledge Fair Exhibit continues

18:30 – 21:30

Cultural Celebration and Dinner at Fort Charles, Hilton Barbados Resort